Wednesday, April 20, 2005

abemos papum/abbiamo il papa/we have a pope

ok well guys this will be short cos i am at school and dont have time to write much. i went to prague last week as many of you know, in fact all of you shoudl know if you read my last blog. anyway, i promise a full update some time, and in actaul fact i have started to write a post about it, but had to save it since i ran out of internet time on monday, but eventually i will finish it and put it up for all to see. it will end up being soo incredibly long (like always, tho not like this one!) cos i have just so muchto say about prague and all the other placed i visited, plus, on saturday i am going to ROOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooot! am so excited. we are only going for the weekend but hey, i am not complaining. far from it infact cos i miss a day of school and then monday is a holidays so i will get to sleep in afterall! the holiday is for 'liberation day' not for the ANZACs but i will remember them too.
aanyway, so there is a new pope. not sure i spelt the latin part right, but i am sure the rest is right lol. it seeems a little strange to me that people are so excited about it. i was going to happen eventually. of course they are excited and i do understand it, but it is almost like people here are surprised about it. maybe that doesnt make sense, probably not, but anyway, that is all i have time for. over and out


At May 13, 2005 at 4:40 AM, Blogger O said...

If I post something here will you update the blog.
I've been busy finding out what we can do in Narita with a 16hr stopover. It seems Yoko is keen to see us and that will be great.
Huzzah! its only three weeks. BTW I remember that huzzah came from something old and British so thats no doubt where ammo got it from.
LOve you


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